Thursday 23 September 2010


I'm determined that Monday will mark the re-start of my on-again-off-again diet.  I've found that following the WeightWatchers point plan works for me - I lose weight but as soon as I stop counting points I put the weight back on.  I know exactly the reason behind this - I'm a snacker.  I tend to snack when I get bored and as much as I love F he's not always the most stimulating conversationalist!

For the wedding I managed to lose about 2 stone in about a year and got down to my pre-F weight of 10 stone.  For the first time in ages I was happy about my weight but unfortunately the wedding and then the honeymoon caused me to put some of the weight back on, a week of Full Englishes and eating out will do that to you!  The chocolate afternoon was probably one of the major culprits....

Because I'm a snacker I'm trying to find some low fat alternatives to the biscuits and chocolates I normally have in.  I remember reading on the WW website that popcorn was a good alternative and couldn't help but recall the wonderful toffee coated popcorn my Nan used to make for me.  Just had a bit of a play and came up with this recipe.

Cinammon and mixed spice coated popcorn

80g popcorn kernals
50g low fat spread
50g brown sugar
ground cinammon
mixed spice

Put the popcorn kernals in a medium sized pan and heat with the lid on over a medium/high heat for 10-15 minutes (F was fascinated by this bit, he loved watching kernals popping all over the place)  Make sure that it's stopped popping before you take the lid off or you might end up getting popped on the nose ;)

In a second pan (or in the microwave) melt the spread and sugar.  Once melted add the cinammon and mixed spice. 

Drizzle the spread and sugar mix over the popcorn, replace the lid and give the pan a good shake to mix.

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